Hive MySQL Sqoop

How to Import Data From MySQL to Hive Using Sqoop

Usually, we learn to import RDBMS data into HDFS but there are times when we need to directly import data from MySQL to Hive using Sqoop.

In this tutorial, I will share how to import data from MySQL to Hive using Sqoop in an easy way. Using this method you can simply import RDBMS data into Hive using Sqoop.

Import MySQL Data to Hive using Sqoop

Here I am assuming that you have already installed Sqoop, MySQL, and Hive on your system. If not, then you can follow our Sqoop Tutorial and HDFS Tutorial for reference.

Just follow the below steps to import MySQL table in Hive using Sqoop.

I. Check MySQL Table emp

Let’s suppose we have one table in MySQL database “empdb” with the name “emp”. The table is looking like below-

dept_no | dept_name |
| d009 | Customer Service |
| d005 | Development |
| d002 | Finance |
| d003 | Human Resources |
| d001 | Marketing |
| d004 | Production |
| d006 | Quality Management |
| d008 | Research |
| d007 | Sales

We have to import the above emp table into Hive using Sqoop command.

II. Now write the Sqoop import scripts to import MySQL data into Hive

sqoop import \
–connect jdbc:mysql://localhost/empdb \
--username userid \
--password pwd \
--table emp \
--direct \
-m 1 \
--hive-import \
--create-hive-table \
--hive-table emp_mysql \
--target-dir /user/hive/warehouse/ \
--enclosed-by '\"' \
--fields-terminated-by , \
--escaped-by \\ \

III. Check the file in HDFS

As we know all the files will get stored in HDFS and so we can check the file in HDFS at the below Hive location as specified in the above query-

IV. Verify the number of records

We can also verify the records like below-
$ hadoop fs -cat /user/hive/warehouse/emp_mysql/part-m-00000 | wc –l

V. Check the imported records in HDFS

If you want to see the table you have imported in HDFS, you can use the below command-
$ hadoop fs -cat /user/hive/warehouse/emp_mysql/part-m-00000 | more

VI. Verify data in Hive

Now as we have imported the data in Hive from MySQL and so let’s verify in Hive to ensure that all the process has been done correctly.

As we created a table in Hive while writing Sqoop command “emp_mysql” and so just do select operation on this table in Hive.

hive> select * from emp_mysql;

If it has been done successfully then you will get the result like below-

"d009" "Customer Service"
"d005" "Development"
"d002" "Finance"
"d003" "Human Resources"
"d001" "Marketing"
"d004" "Production"
"d006" "Quality Management"
"d008" "Research"
"d007" "Sales"


This was all about how to import data from MySQL to Hive using Sqoop. Hope this method to import MySQL data in Hive using Sqoop will help you while importing data directly in Hive using Sqoop.

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