
What Makes Coding an Essential Skill Today?

You see coding being discussed in online portals. Some may associate coders as being bound to their computer chair endlessly typing on their keyboard and staring at their wide-screen monitors as lines and lines of code sequentially appear.

Coders seem to have an effortless, almost robotic demeanor, sometimes even judged for being highly skilled hackers that can break into the toughest private networks and compromising confidential company data. They reached such a caliber in IT for investing their time and effort to learning what can be the lifeblood of any industry that strives to succeed today.

Anyone taking up a BS IT degree may have initially gotten hooked to the field because of the attractive computing paraphernalia and the possibilities button presses can make in a matter of seconds. Often, they realize that as they study the ins and outs of the industry, the glamour lies not much on the face value. It’s in the vital role it plays in just about any industry, as human interactions are increasingly becoming digitized.

Ifyou’reanything like those described, it would be best for you to have a more thorough look at coding and why it’s becoming an essential skill.

What is coding?

Coding, also known as scripting, involves creating instructions that robots like computers can understand to get them to perform tasks. From the interface and software installed in computers and smartphone applications to the websites we frequently visit, all of them have had to come to life with the help of intricate coding. Behind this technology we can maneuver with our fingers are several coders who have put in hours to years of exhaustive work.

Why is it important?

To answer briefly, we would not enjoy the convenience of getting the answers to our questions from search engines, the ability to connect with people, and every capability in electronic devices if it were not for coding. Through coding, we can reach such a zenith in technological development. And, through it, we will hardly see a ceiling of this success.

Moreover, the spread of digitalization is steadily picking pace. Even century-old companies can not escape its ubiquity. To digitize a part, if not all, of a business’s operations, has been proven to give it an edge.

Software developers continue to create a plethora of business solutions that, consequently, steadily replace everything that’s been done manually. There are downloadable apps or systems to manage workflows, inventory, team collaborations, product distributions, and design; the list can only go on. It is undeniable that coding encompasses all realms.

What are the career prospects for someone who knows how to code?

With human life essentially wired to digital technology that even young children own smartphones, there hardly is any activity that does not rely on something automated. Even when we’re somewhere off the grid, we need to stay linked to civilization with our phones to let our whereabouts be known and keep us safe. Technology practically exists to improve our living conditions, and so coding can only be more vital in the years to come.

If this does not convince you enough to take on a coding class, know that coding is a high-demand skill in the job market today. Gone are the days that the role of IT professionals is highlighted only in tech-oriented fields like research, aeronautics, and engineering.

Coders are as sought after in finance to help them consolidate massive amounts of financial data, education to manage knowledge databases, manufacturing to reduce production inefficiencies, hospitality to nurture relationships with customers, and many others.

The lack of coding talent in the market today pushes many companies to pay a premium to those who can meet their automation needs. While this is a lucrative opportunity for many IT graduates, it still takes grit and continuous learning of ever-evolving techniques and practices to stay competitive. Many would wish to work for places as big as blue-chip companies. But a good stepping stone to exhibit your capabilities with start-up companies and, from there, build on your portfolio.

Starting a career in IT, just like engineering and medicine, involves deciding on a specialization. Likewise, learning how to code is not a one-and-done deal. Rather, it takes a degree of soul-searching to arrive at a discipline and industry of focus. Your options are endless as you can develop software, mobile apps, network capabilities, web design tools, and etcetera. Find a niche that may spark an interest in you, e-commerce, social media, healthcare, and banking, to name a few.

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