This article is all about word count in python. In our last article, I explained word count in PIG but there are some limitations when dealing with files in PIG and we may need to write UDFs for that. Those can be cleared in...
Word Count Example in Pig Latin
When you will start with the Analytics then Word count examples are first few things those you will have to do. Here I will be talking about the Word count example in Pig Latin. We can do the word count in Hive as well but Pig is...
Default Cloudera Hue Username and Password
When I started using the Cloudera CDH and Hortonworks framework, I struggled a lot to find the default password for their tools like Cloudera Hue Browser and HortonWorks Ambari and so thought to write a post which will give you...
How to Import Data From MySQL to Hive Using Sqoop
Usually, we learn to import RDBMS data into HDFS but there are times when we need to directly import data from MySQL to Hive using Sqoop. In this tutorial, I will share how to import data from MySQL to Hive using Sqoop in an easy...