
Three Top Tips For Amazon Sellers

Amazon has become the biggest giant in the eCommerce industry and has slowly taken over most of the market. It acts as a platform for any seller to list their products and sell them to Amazon’s audience of millions. To take benefit of this platform slowly, more and more businesses are joining as Amazon sellers. In this post on top Amazon seller tips, we will talk about all these.

Top Amazon seller tips

It is easy to become an Amazon seller, and all you have to do is register on the website and start selling your services. When you are just starting out, it can be tough to make new sales as your seller account does not have any reviews or ratings.

However, as you grow, you start earning ratings for your service, which pushes you higher on the search result page. When starting out, it can get hard to sell your products as several other Amazon sellers are selling the same product as you. To stay relevant in the business, you have to use certain tricks, such as using a consumer insights platform to gather relevant information about consumer behavior.

Last year, about 53% of all the paid units were sold by third-party sellers. There are more than a million Amazon sellers; however, only a few can generate sizable revenue. Amazon is a very competitive selling platform that is highly influenced by product price and visibility.

FBA program by Amazon

FBA is short for Fulfillment by Amazon, which equips a seller to utilize Amazon’s facilities such as huge warehouses to store and sell their products. In this program, a seller can ship their products to the Amazon warehouses or fulfillment centers.

These centers will then take care of all the shipping procedures for you. It will handle, receive, pick, and pack the product in the center before shipping it to the customers. These fulfillment centers are also equipped to take care of returns and refunds.

As an Amazon seller, you only have to worry about the products you want to sell. Your responsibilities include stocking the products and marketing them. Everything else about the shipping process will be taken care of by the FBA for you. Also, all your stocking worries are taken care of by the fulfillment centers, so you can make a one-time investment and let the FBA take care of all the handling and storing responsibilities.

How to become a better Amazon seller?

While using FBA for your account can help you immensely and allow you to focus on other aspects of your business, it is not enough to stand out. There are countless Amazon sellers that are selling the same product as you are, so you need to do something out of the box to make your mark. Here are a few tips that can give a push to your account and get you started.

Consumer Insights

Using a consumer insights platform is a sure way to provide what your customers desire. Consumer insight is the first-hand information about consumer behavior and their wants and desires. This information helps you understand what your customer expects from your business so you can provide it to them. 

Consumer insights can help you in multiple ways. Firstly, it will help you understand what a customer wants and provide it to them. This way, there is a better chance of making a sale. As Amazon monitors ratings and reviews closely, your main aim should be to achieve higher ratings and positive feedback. By giving your customer what they want, you can minimize your chances of attaining a bad review.

You can use different consumer insights platforms to gather consumer insight for you. They can gather all the data and analyze them to provide you with all the relevant information. With these platforms’ help, you can even monitor your competitor’s account and determine the keywords that are performing well. You can use these keywords in your marketing strategies to achieve better results.

Take professional product pictures

When purchasing products online, a customer needs to see what the product will look like in real life. You should provide professional level multiple photos of the item you are selling. Putting on photos taken by a phone will only decrease the chances of making a sale as it will look unprofessional. 

Posting multiple photos from different angles will help build trust and make them more likely to choose your product. Amazon has specific product guidelines that you must follow about image quality and size. Shooting the product in front of a white background helps direct focus on the product itself.

Follow Amazon Rules

Last but not the least, last top Amazon seller tips is following the rule. It goes without saying that it is vital to follow the Amazon guidelines to ensure your seller account is not flagged. Amazon monitors the accounts very closely, so you cannot try to cut corners or take advantage of Amazon’s guidelines. If Amazon suspects any rule-breaking, they can penalize your account and, in worst cases, can even suspend it.


Amazon has taken over most eCommerce business, and to stay relevant, you must join the wave. When starting as an Amazon seller, you should not be discouraged if you are not able to make sales in the beginning. It takes time to move to the top, but you can do it using some tricks and creating an efficient marketing strategy.

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