If you want a guaranteed job right out of university, then a degree in marketing is a surefire way to secure one. Especially if you go for digital marketing. These days it is the most effective way for a company to market itself...
How to Get Internet Access Anywhere?
We live in a world where we have globally connected with individuals miles apart. Life without social media happenings and live Safari updates seems hollow to say the least. It is safe to assume that without the internet, we...
8 Effective Techniques and Tips For Cold Calling
When you are trying to grow your business, the key is to reach more and more people in less time. This is what will help in spreading the word about your business and the solutions it can offer. This will ensure that there are...
Impact of AI on Globalization
Technology and globalization are closely tangled. The movement of goods, ideas, and people are accelerated and widened by new forms of communication as well as transport. And, in turn, technological development has been upgraded...
Citi Bank Data Science Interview Questions
Major corporations around the world are investing time and resources in data science and data scientists. It is a prime industry that is still growing and developing. If you have the qualities of a data scientist, you can find...